Is the returning Lord going to beat the shit out of your Pastor ? Or will his reward be paradise
(too old to reply)
2009-01-30 23:53:07 UTC

If your Pastors going to hell you'd better tell him or her to change
their ways, they may miss out on Paradise, as they are thrown in the
fire because of their gross sin you don't want to think "well you know
what I should have said something" now is that time not then
2009-01-31 00:52:39 UTC
worst case scenario

2013 hundreds of thousands of suicides over 12/21/2012 being nothing
no star trek generations nexus wave or age of aquarius
EMP shuts down world , antichrist madhi rises up
100-500million suicides as pre-tribbers can't cope realising
everything was a lie, no rapture, no prosperity, no nothing it's all
time to send out the 7 agents, only point of contact is rad hard solar
powered phone never seen in groups only in cells of 12 or less, fight
back against nwo of mahdi
