Judas Iscariot. Betrayer of Christ..." called " but not " chosen " Mt.22:14 yet " chosen " Joh. 6:70
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old man joe
2009-02-01 13:01:17 UTC
perhaps Judas Iscariot is the best illustration in the Bible as a reference point
to describe the difference between the " called " and the " chosen " of Mt. 22:14
which reads...

" For many are called, but few are chosen." Mt. 22:14

furthermore, Judas is also described as being " chosen " by the Lord in John
6:70... " Jesus answered them, Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? And one of you is
a devil ? " Joh. 6:70

to further confound the matter, Judas was sent out by the Lord to preach the
gospel, heal the sick, raise the dead and even to cast out demons with the other
disciples. Mt. 10 ...

while having been given " authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out " ( Mt.
10:1 ) it is recorded that " Satan entered into Judas who was called Iscariot " Lu

called and chosen, Judas is a most remarkable character. even though written of in
the Old Testament, seated with the other disciples when asked by Jesus " who do the
people say the Son of Man is ? " having been told by Christ Himself that He is the
promised Messiah, Judas nonetheless was not of God in the saving sense ( Mt. 26:24 )
of the diverse meaning of the Bible word " chosen. "

no one else in the Bible this close to Jesus, having been chosen as one of the 12,
having been described as the betrayer of Messiah Jesus in the Old Testament ( Ps.
41:9 ) could be more befitting to describe the difference of being " called " and
being " chosen " as in Mt. 22:14

the deciding factor is given by the Lord Jesus Himself when He says:
" I do not speak of all of you. I know the ones I have chosen; but [it is] that the
ME." Joh. 13:18

the deciding factor is as He says.." I know the ones I have chosen "
being known of God separates the wheat from the tares. while God is cognizant of all
things, the known of God in the saving sense of full deliverance from the bondage of
sin and death is the factor which Judas did not share with the rest of the chosen

in like manner, those professing to know Him by some whimsical act of their own
free will or by some man made ceremony or what have you, share in the sin of Judas,
betrayer of Christ. these are the stumbling blocks of Mt. 18:7 offering the world a
Savior who can not save without man first filling conditions.

being " chosen " in the saving sense is unconditional Eph. 1 & 2;
Acts 13:48; Acts 16:14; Ps. 3:8 et al
Randy ®
2009-02-01 13:59:38 UTC
Election pertains to the application of Christ's atonement,
not it's value. The value is unlimited. The application is
limited to the elect.

The non-elect perish not because Christ failed to pay for all
their sins, including the sin of unbelief (as limited
atonement heretics claim), but because God never chose to
apply the value of the blood to the doorpost of their soul
through faith.
Christ died for our sins, and God raised Him from the dead.
Rely on this work alone to escape hell and receive eternal
life (Jn. 3:16; 1 Cor. 15:1-3; Eph. 2:8-10; 2 Thess. 1:8-9).

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself
up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every
thought to make it obedient to Christ. †2 Corinthians 10:5
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