The cross
(too old to reply)
2010-02-02 13:41:25 UTC
"You're not going to have anything", if you were told that how might
you react? Sad? maybe.
Deception of the world. The world tells you "you can have anything, go
for it" you go for it and it is all a con. You end up with nothing. In
Buddha nature there is the stripping away of all wants and needs to be
free from them, in one regard like the cross.

God in Christ came to this world, and had nothing, no job, no wife, no
kids, no position in society, he was hated mocked and eventually
killed though he only did good and taught people to love. He acted to
put an end to the corrupted system of religion, showing the pharisees
and the others for what they were. We thought unlike Christ are not
perfect and sinless. But the same process refines us.

The world gets you to want and need, want or need love ( not that love
ever arrives ) want or need position or currency to "survive" in a
world that just perpetuates sin and greed. You can give up and turn to
sin or press on. Giving up doesn't make things better it just hastens

The cross was a place to accept death, accept the fall ( Genesis 3 ) a
impossible lesson to get round of choosing God or death. Christ rose
from the dead, if he didn't defeat death then the faith is valueless
( 1 Corth 15 )

Death came in Genesis 3, the whole of this reality is about death and
facing it accepting it personally and globally, solar systems come and
go, civilizations come and go, things are born then die, the whole
universe sings of death and life.

The world is full of lies, the beautiful woman, she will grow old ugly
and die, Money it goes like an eagle flying away, everything is bound
to death apart from the spirit. The spiritual connection to God is the
only thing that transcends this reality, most people reject God.
Logically hence the sooner it is over the better.

A new reality is on it's way, the reality you dream about. The
governments talk of making a new world order yet they are the old
world ( Rev 21v4 ) Prime-ministers and Presidents have no concept of
what a new world order really means it means God ruling the world not
fallen man, all they know is to rehash the old world order.
2010-02-02 13:42:36 UTC
Post by u2fan
"You're not going to have anything", if you were told that how might
you react? Sad? maybe.
Everything you have concludes in death in this reality. That is why
they keep selling you more !
