you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church.... Peter is not the Rock ( Mt.16:18 )
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2009-03-13 09:55:22 UTC
and because Peter is not the Rock upon which the Lord God is building His church,
the glory goes to the One upon whom the Lord God is building His church, namely;
Jesus Christ...

long before Peter was ever born the Psalmist declared... " For who is God, but the
LORD? And who is a rock, except our God "
Ps. 18:31

the " keys of the kingdom " ( v. 19 ) is the gospel of the kingdom... as revealed
to man from heaven by Jesus Christ, the Word of God, and not by the vain imaginations
of the Church in Rome...

for in His Word is life and there is salvation in no other name. the gospel, or
good message, is the sum of the Word of God in which the church, that is, the elect
of God by grace alone, delight.

these " keys " open the doors of hard hearts as God Eternal instills life in desert
places by watering with The Living Water, Jesus Christ.
He is the " Key " since He is the Word of God who opens the doors by the gospel. (
Isa. 22:22 )

salvation is His doing, ( Ps. 3:8 ) He alone has the power to forgive sin ( Lk. 5:24
) and to cleanse the elect of all unrighteousness.
1 Joh. 1:19 ( John did not write to the non-elect 1 Joh. 1:3 )

Jesus used this term " keys " to describe the gospel, of which He is the center, (
Isa. 22:22 ) taking the term from a common idiom of His day...

when an orthodox Jew of Jesus day was commissioned as a Doctor of the Law, he was
given the ' keys ' to the locked closet in the temple where the sacred books were
kept thus sealing him to be qualified as a teacher of doctrine.

the elect of God by grace are also thus commissioned to profess the gospel of grace
( Mt. 28:20 ) because they all hold the " keys " of the Word of faith which is able
to save ( Ro. 10:8-15 ) for they are the only ones commissioned by God to preach the
gospel of grace through which the power of God is realized.


when in Mt. 16 Jesus said to His disciples... " whatever you shall bind on earth
shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in
heaven." ( v. 19 ) He was not speaking to Peter alone... for He was not bestowing on
Peter some lordship over the rest of His disciples ( Eph. 2:20 ) all were subordinate
to Christ just as all regenerate believers are subordinate to Christ. Mt.10:24

Peter, blundering along, as recorded in Mt. 16:22,23 , try's at this time to put
into practice the Lord's declaration saying " whatever you shall bind on earth shall
be bound in heaven " by rebuking Jesus purpose to go to Jerusalem and suffer many
things for the sake of those chosen by grace.

speaking from the flesh, Peter mistakes the Lord's commission to
" bind on earth " as some sort of special power given to him to rewrite the purpose
of God that Jesus death was the sacrifice required by God to cleanse sinner's.

Jesus stern reply settles Peter's error..." Get behind Me, Satan ! "


Mt. 16:18,19 is not a commission to the Church of Rome to be the light of the world
by Apostolic succession of Peter. their edicts are posted all over the internet for
all to see that they are contrary to everything of grace and of holiness.

they are rather as Peter sinned in the flesh just as he did immediately after
hearing he could change the Word of God to fit his emotions.


" Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved..."

( Acts 16:31a NASB )
Randy ®
2009-03-13 22:15:20 UTC
Neither is Calvin. Christ's death pays for all sins, period.

Have you heard Christ died for our sins, and God raised Him
from the dead? Did you know God saves you from hell and gives
you eternal life through faith in this finished work alone,
not your merits (Jn. 3:16; 1 Cor. 15:1-3; Eph. 2:8-10; 2
Thess. 1:8-9)? This is so man cannot boast, and God alone
gets the glory (Eph. 2:8-9).
2009-03-15 02:36:52 UTC
Old Man Joe's a coward - a hit & run pussy - a drive by shooter.

Post by Randy ®
Neither is Calvin. Christ's death pays for all sins, period.
Have you heard Christ died for our sins, and God raised Him
from the dead? Did you know God saves you from hell and gives
you eternal life through faith in this finished work alone,
not your merits (Jn. 3:16; 1 Cor. 15:1-3; Eph. 2:8-10; 2
Thess. 1:8-9)? This is so man cannot boast, and God alone
gets the glory (Eph. 2:8-9).
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